Setelah Anda lulus ujian chunin Anda bisa memiliki 3 ekor Pet yang akan membantu Anda dalam setiap pertarungan. Berikut daftar pet yang bisa Anda dapatkan di Pet Shop.
Type: Supportive Pet
Purchase Cost:100k gold
* 1st skill = normal attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = scratch attack (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Catgirl Transformation (stuns for 1 turn)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
LEIKO - The Snake
Type: Supportive Pet
Purchase Cost:100k gold
* 1st skill = normal Bite (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Screech attack (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Spit Poison (Deals damage & Poison I Poison reduces 3% of total enemy HP for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
KEIKO - The Frog
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 400 tokens
* 1st skill = Kunai Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Tongue Attack (Restriction: Restrains the enemy from using any jutsu for one turn)
* 3rd skill = Spit Fire (Deals damage & Burn I Burn reduces 3% of total enemy HP for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 5, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 100,000 gold.
CHIKO - The Bird
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Flying Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Blows wind (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Inertia Dodge (Decreases the enemy's chance of dodging your next hit)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
ERIKO - The Dog
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Bite (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Fart (Blind: Lowers Enemy Accuracy for 1 turn)
* 3rd skill = Spin Attack (nothing special)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 5, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 100,000 gold.
SUKI - The Pig
Type: Defensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Head Strike (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Forceful Head Strike (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Protection (Buffing with Damage Reduction for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
EASA - The Rabbit
Type:Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 400 token + Emblem
* 1st skill = Basic Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Quick Strike (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Triple Kunai Attack (nothing special)
* 4th skill = Bunny Slash (secret)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 5.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 10.
* Skill 4 = Pet needs to be level 15.
INOKUCHI - The Pig (new)
Type:Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Basic Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Spin Strike (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Earth Strangle (stun target for 1 turn)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20.
TOMARU - The Snake (new)
Type:Supportive Pet
Purchase Cost: 400 token + emblem
* 1st skill = Basic Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Fire Ball (reduce target's 2% HP for 2 turn)
* 3rd skill = Dark Touch (reduce target damage by 5% for 2 turn)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 15.
Pet dibawah ini adalah Pet special yang dibutuhkan syarat tertentu untuk mendapatkannya.
KAME - The Turtle
Type: Deffensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 25 Invite Friend
* 1st skill = Bite (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Spin Attack (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Heal (still bug?? just heal 10 HP)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 5, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 15, train for 100,000 gold.
Easter Bunny
Type: Supportive Pet
Purchase Cost:Gratis Untuk Pembelian Emblem Terhitung 24 Maret s/d 7 April 2010
* 1st skill = normal attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = pierce attack (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = your bunny is cute (master +100 CP)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 1, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 1, train for 100,000 gold.
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